Daily Prompt: Happy Endings

Tell us about something you’ve tried to quit. Did you go cold turkey, or for gradual change? Did it stick?


I am hopelessly, horribly addicted to Dr. Pepper. I

Dr Pepper

really don’t know what it is about the stuff. I mean, I like the taste of it and as an insomniac I’m never opposed to a little extra caffeine.

At the same time, I hate being addicted to the stuff. I’ve already gained a lot of weight because of it, and not to mention it’s terrible for my teeth. I get twitchy if I haven’t had any, and I have honest to god withdrawals. I hate feeling dependent on it.

I’ve tried to quit several times now, in various ways. Sometimes I go for the cold turkey approach, sometimes I go for the gradual let-down. They all work to varying degrees.

The most recent time I tried to quit (apart from my current attempt) I cut myself off cold turkey. I managed to make it six months without slipping up, and during that time I lost seventeen pounds. Then I took a new job that reversed my hours on me and I started drinking soda again to keep myself awake.

At the moment I’m trying to quit again, this time by the gradual method. So far I’ve managed to cut my Dr. Pepper consumption down to about 1/8th of what I used to drink in a day so I’m feeling pretty good. We’ll see how well it actually works…

For now, I’m going to finish drinking my soda.

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Daily Prompt: Write Here, Write Now

Write a post entirely in the present tense.


Decisions. We make them every minute of every day, whether consciously or not. Cereal or toast. Blue shirt or green. Right or left. Death or Mercy.

And every decision that we make affects our future. Sometimes those decisions only cause the tiniest ripple in the timeline, other times they can shift the whole thing around on itself. There’s no way of knowing in advance just what affect your daily choices will have on the future.

Unless you’re like me.

I have an ability – some might call it a gift, but I’m not so charitable. When a person makes a decision, I can look forward and see what will happen because of that choice. It’s not so much predicting the future. I can’t just look and see anything, it has to be something based off a decision and I can only see it once the choice has been made.

Like right now, the old man sitting at the table in the corner there, he just decided that he’s going to take the train into Manchester to see his daughter. The whole thing settles in front of my eyes, unrolling before me like a road. See, now that he’s going to take the train, I can see what happens.

He forgets his umbrella at the station – it rains when he reaches Manchester – he gets pneumonia – he dies in the hospital in exactly thirty-nine days.

I close my eyes and try to shake away the vision. They aren’t always so unpleasant as this one, but a lot of the time they are. After all, everything ends in death eventually. Some choices just get you there faster.

Every second of every day, decisions are being made by people all over the world. I can see those decisions. My name’s Sophie and I’m a Choice Seer.


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